About Counselling

What counselling is and how it can help you

About Counselling

Is counselling for me?


Seeking help can be difficult. Many of us have learned we are supposed to deal with our problems alone. That we should “pull it together” and “move on”. To attend to others needs rather than our own. Or that when we seek help, it will be tainted by expectations or criticisms from others.

So, when you think of counselling, you may well have doubts: Are my problems big enough? Will I be understood? What if I can’t express myself well? Can I really be helped? The list goes on.

The way I see it, counselling is for everyone. If something is troubling you and you are struggling to make sense of it, then counselling can help. I offer a warm and understanding space for you to explore your difficulties. A space without judgement or “easy” answers to complex struggles. A space where you will be heard in both your hurt and your hope.

I welcome you to share your doubts when we first talk. We can explore them together and I can answer any questions. You can then feel more confident in choosing whether or not to go forward.


looking at a lake landscape
looking at a lake landscape

First steps

If you are interested in trying counselling, then please contact me via email or phone: freycounselling@gmail.com or 07572 133734. I will get back to you within two working days to arrange a suitable time for us to talk.

I offer a free introductory conversation. This gives you the opportunity to share your struggles and what you want from counselling. From there, we can decide whether counselling with me feels right for you. I want you to get the best help you can. So, at times, I offer referrals or suggestions about other forms of support.

Going forward, therapy sessions last 50 minutes and are typically at a regular weekly slot. Booking a first session does not commit you to continuing. It is part of the decision-making process, giving you a feel of what counselling is like.

From there, you can decide whether to continue. I offer both short-term and open-ended counselling. The number of sessions you have is up to you and will depend on what you want from therapy. Some people find they are happy with just a few to deal with a particular issue. Others prefer to spend longer, exploring at depth.

Click here to learn more about me, the way I work and how I can help you.

Everyday ‘isms’ and discrimination

For many people, each day involves facing some level of prejudice or discrimination. This is often ignored or goes unnoticed by others. It is dismissed, reduced or explained away even by those close to you. This can be both painful and isolating. You can end up feeling the need to be cautious about how you express yourself in certain spaces. So, coming to therapy, I can imagine you may feel wary. Will my therapist really get it?

I have helped a wide range of people as a counsellor. People of different ages, sexualities, gender identities, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and people with disabilities. I have also done work on my hidden biases and have personal experience of racism.

I run an inclusive service, welcoming people from all walks of life. This means that I have a genuine interest in you and your world. I know that the groups you belong to mean you can be treated differently. I also know that our differences mean we live in a world with different sets of rules. I will be compassionate and attentive to the struggles you experience because of who you are. I am happy to help you explore identity and discrimination as part of the work we do together.

Please get in touch to find out more.


looking at a lake landscape

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